Within the power structure of every society certain vital, integral individuals operate within groups to promote, stimulate, guide or otherwise influence members to action. Such operators have been referred to as leaders. Great leaders have always been one of the main development of and primary drivers for growth and development of every power structure whether it is an organization, a society, company or a nation.
An adaptable leader is someone who is driven by the attitude of never giving up. Problems and oppositions can come and go. But a leader who continues to strive for the better and keeps surging ahead with a firm footing in his belief, is bound to be revered for this courage.
To be a great leader effective communication skill is not merely desirable but it is essential. In words of James Humes,” The art of communication is the language of leadership”. Leadership in any field is all about having a vision and being able to communicate that vision effectively. This skill enables the leader to create substantial positive change and influence people in their personal lives as well. People generally will accept hardships and sacrifices if they know what the ultimate prize will be, and this requires skilled communication.
A great leader has an enigmatic impact on the masses that come in contacts with him. He is able to articulate and modulate the public feeling and mood and use it towards a position of advantage. An effective leader understands what his audience wants and enshrines a great level of trust in them so that they see him as one of their own. A great leader thus establishes a personal connect with his followers and uses his communication as a tool to reiterate that relationship.
Besides, being a skilled orator, good leaders hold mastery in creating plans to fulfill their purpose. Such people have a knack for recognizing golden opportunities. They see ways to do things differently.
They have a clear idea of what they want to accomplish their goals and do not look for ratification. Ambitious leaders have a desire to take the formidable challenges.
Effective leaders do not lead by fear or anger. They remain resilient in their action by being focused on their goals. Leaders achieve lasting power and glory by exercising compassion and selfless service.
Selfish desires and animosity obscure the purpose of leadership. While political leaders are most recognized and appreciated due to their relative societal impact, leadership as a trait can be displayed in any field and domain.
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I finally got what I was looking for. Thank you for providing us with this.